вторник, 26 июня 2012 г.

Part 1
-It seems that we have an inborn instinct for melody, which was "preinstall" in us before we were born. It's the same instinct we have for language: we can recognise notes and tunes as naturally as we can learn words. That's why melody is very similar to language.
-Pentatonic is a musical scale, which consists of five notes. Every music system shares these five notes in common, so pentantonic scale can be found all over the world. It's important, because we can easily recognise these notes. Enormous numbers of songs of different music styles are based on these notes. They are our genetic inheritance, like five fingers.
-Notes: C - до, D - ре , E - ми , F - фа, G - со, A - ля, H - си
Every musical system has its own number of notes. In Western scale there are twelve notes, other cultures have many more, so it makes notes sound much closer together.
-Pitch (высота) - is a major auditory attribute of musical tones. It discribes how "high" or "low" you want your note to sound.

Part 2
 -"Interval" is the distance between the notes in the melody. "Semitone" is the smallest interval between the notes. "Whole tone" is 2 semito.
- The experiment: He's trying to sing 2 whole tones and then 2 semitones. He claims, that it is easier for people to sing the whole tones rather than semitones.
- The creation of the melody is very similar to the creation of the story, and with playing notes, one by one, it's like you're telling a story, word by word. Storytelling is based on a large amount of archetypes. So it is with tunes. There are ancient patterns and arrangements of notes that function as archetypes for the millions of melodies.
- "Modes" are basic common scales for all cultures.
- The Aeolian mode sounds solemn and sorrowful

Part 3
-Diatonic  - is the specific key which recognized role of each of the 7notes in a sistem of singers or instruments.
-The old notes were strict fixed, and the new are may be played in different ways.
The new notes are more progressive because you can not to play them equally, but you can create your own ways of their playing.

Part 4
-The first tone of the melody is presented in tis basic form. It is not overcomplicated. Than minor key can turn to the major. Some minutes later another melody interrupts the first. Its short and dramatic. By the end of the concerto the melody involves the variations, but we never hear it again so as simple as it was in the beginning.

Part 5
-The dorian mode is the same as in songs of 16th century. He associates ths sound with an industry, that have been around for centures. This songs has roots in very old songs.
